I have not been writing much as I have been quite reclusive. So sorry, everyone. I hope you'll still stay with me through my journey in life, watching ...
Chloe . 171210
My Son . 121110
I have not been very faithful in posting a photo a day recently due to my busy schedule. I've been shooting lots. When I am busy, my poodles and my ...
From the Archives . 071110
Miss a day in posting due to busy work schedule. Here's a shot from my archives which I still love till today... some shots just last through time... ...
Baby Portrait . 051110
Angel the Schnauzer . 041110
The Start of a New Life . 031110
Photo of the Day . 301010
Studio Portrait . 291010
From the Archives: As I look through my archives, I find more and more of my past works "unacceptable". I think I have grown much more fussy ...
My Supportive Wife . 191010
Photography as an ART is emotional! You photograph what moves you. You photograph that which makes your blood rush inside you. You photograph that ...