I love this shot I took during an event a couple of days ago. It’s one of those moments which passes in seconds. I am contemplating whether I should shave my beard unless it grows white and I grow as fat (and adorable) as Santa. The recent tan I got from my beach holidays might have contributed to my “scary” look. Well, on the bright side, I think most kids and babies love me cause I have that love for them oozing out of me (I think… haha).
But kids are cute and adorable (on pictures) whether they are crying or laughing. The shot is not “perfect” with the maid standing behind but she does seem to be an authoritative figure standing and watching silently behind. In portrait photography, an expressive moment caught outlaws all compositional rules we were taught sometimes.
Enjoy life! Go catch that moment!
Dy says
OMG David!!! at first i thought you’re pulling our legs cos i couldn’t find the said maid in the photo…. after like 5 minutes of scrutinizing it, i found her! scary lah…
admin says
You are NOT alone!!!